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Medals, Badges and Insignia of the United States Army by Col. Frank C. Foster (U.S. Army retired)

Medals, Badges and Insignia of the United States Army

Written by: Col. Frank C. Foster (U.S. Army retired)

Available In: eBook

Author Website: www.moapress.com

Medals, Badges and Insignia of the United States Army. The most comprehensive and lavishly illustrated book on U.S. Army medals, badges and insignia ever published. Traces the history of Army awards from Rome, the American Revolution to today’s War on Terror.  Beautiful color pictures of every medal, front and back, with complete details and criteria. Insignia, badges, rank and famous unit insignia are beautifully pictured and described. Written by one of America’s best known experts; it is the single, finest, most up to date book in the world.

This fascinating book tells and illustrates how Army awards have been intertwined with American culture throughout the last 235 years. There are over 28 million veterans since World War II. Over half the population of the United States has had a veteran in the family and this work covers every possible award they could have or should have received. There is even a detailed section on how veterans and families claim their medals, wear and display them.

The comprehensive, easy-to-use volume guides readers over 500 different medals, ribbons, badges and insignia using handsome full color photographs and other detailed illustrations. It is the ultimate United States Army awards book and is sure to become a treasure of every veteran and veteran’s family library.

Medicine From Cave Dwellers to Millennials by Jonathan Stolz

Medicine From Cave Dwellers to Millennials

Written by: Jonathan Stolz

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: https://www.amazon.com/Jonathan-Stolz/e/B07G2WPQ2K/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Medicine and disease has preoccupied man from the age of the cave dweller to the present day millennial generation. In all cultures and eras populations have sought the means to preserve health and restore it when absent. How physicians and scientists throughout history have traveled the long circuitous journey to comprehend the mysteries of the human body, origins of disease and treat the ill is the subject of this book. Written for today’s patients and medical professionals, the fast-paced narrative delivers compelling insight into older medical practices and gives the reader an appreciation of how medicine has developed through the centuries to the present. In the prehistoric era and ancient civilizations the imagination of early healthcare providers was frequently innovative. They produced a variety of treatments to help the ill and injured without knowing why they worked. Over time into the Middle Ages and Renaissance iconoclastic practitioners set a series of creative stages in motion. These pioneers confronted rigid religious and conservative medical authorities that supported longstanding ineffective medical theories. The discoveries of these pathfinders took medicine to a higher level. With the dawn of the scientific era to the new millennium medical knowledge exploded to become the powerhouse it is today. This monograph provides a thoughtful explanation on how past generations of medical revolutionaries vanquished long-standing hurdles to discover new ideas. To truly appreciate modern medicine it is vital to comprehend how far humans have progressed from that day 40,000 years ago when an unknown cave dweller for the first time fixed a broken leg to the 21st century millennial who has just received a personal genetic profile in the mail.

MediSin: Losing the Heart and Mind of an ER Provider – What he thinks of his patients, the American people and America’s healthcare system  by Niam Hew

MediSin: Losing the Heart and Mind of an ER Provider – What he thinks of his patients, the American people and America’s healthcare system

Written by: Niam Hew

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website:

MediSin is a collection of stories from a tenured ER provider. Readers will hear the inner thoughts of those providing care for ER patients. They will learn of social and political issues that are plaguing this country, and an ‘illness’ that is slowly killing America. Via sarcastic whit and a disregard for patients’ feelings, readers will learn why those who care for you in the ER – Hate you.

Micah and the Phoenix Tree by L.J. Fox

Micah and the Phoenix Tree

Written by: L.J. Fox

Available In: eBook

Author Website: Facebook page: L.J. Fox

Micah and Kiera were torn from their home to create a new life with other extraordinary teens. With very few friendships, they miss their normal life. They discover there is more to their new school than odd classes, bullies and aggravating guys. The sisters must dig into the ancient secrets and even deeper into themselves, where truth is only an illusion and deceit hides out in every corner.

Michelangelo & the Morgue: Michelangelo & Me by Joanne Lewis

Michelangelo & the Morgue: Michelangelo & Me

Written by: Joanne Lewis

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://www.joannelewiswrites.com/

Most know Michelangelo as the creator of David and the painter of the Sistine Chapel. In Michelangelo & the Morgue, a historical fantasy novella that takes place in the fifteenth century, Michelangelo defies religious and political powers in order to find who is murdering the artists of Florence, learning along the way that the person actually responsible might just be himself.

Minus Tide by Dennis Yates

Minus Tide

Written by: Dennis Yates

Available In: eBook

Author Website:

Just as a minus tide reveals secrets that have lain hidden beneath the ocean's surface for years, the novel also explores the points of view of multiple characters. As the story accelerates toward its dramatic conclusion, more layers of each character’s past become exposed. Ann is forced to face a past she's never known, sees for the first time the connections that still run deep through so many lives, the inescapable past. Her journey becomes not just a battle of survival for herself, but for the soul of a small town she realizes that she cares so much about.

Mobley's Law (A Mobley Meadows Novel) by Gerald Summers

Mobley's Law (A Mobley Meadows Novel)

Written by: Gerald Summers

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.mobleymeadows.com/

Newly appointed U.S. Circuit Court Judge Mobley Meadows finds a way to prevent war between Union and Confederate factions when the Governor of Texas, Edmund Jackson Davis, refuses to step down after being defeated in the election of 1873. Mobley must weigh his sense of honor and morality against the demands of the law, the spectre of war, and the survival of his closest friends and deputies.

Money & Murder by David Bishop

Money & Murder

Written by: David Bishop

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://www.davidbishopbooks.com/

This murder mystery, including the crime, investigation, and solution, is all told in roughly fifty pages. P.Q. Winston Rutledge is the richest man in Copper City, Arizona, and he believes someone will soon try to kill him. The story quickly deteriorates into murder, and the ambitions of relatives in pursuit of the family fortune. PQ’s family is a collection of oddballs with a common bloodline. Fascinating people you’d love to have at your next dinner party, but each comes with their own set of secrets and entanglements. PQ is survived by a widow, the same age as his daughter, and two sons, one of which—well, you’ll have to read the story. You won’t be sorry you did.

Mongol Steel by Chris Pinney

Mongol Steel

Written by: Chris Pinney

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.brazossteele.com/

In the year 1227, Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror the world has ever known, is laid to rest. In order to keep the location of the grave a secret, all who witness the burial are brutally executed by the Khan’s royal family. All that is, except one…

Mouth Of The Rat: A Samantha Jamison Mystery Volume 5 by Peggy A. Edelheit

Mouth Of The Rat: A Samantha Jamison Mystery Volume 5

Written by: Peggy A. Edelheit

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://samanthajamison.com/

Who was the rat with the kiss of death?My name is Samantha. I’m a novelist who seems to fall into unusual mysteries and ends up becoming part of and writing about them. It has made me semi-famous for stirring up and getting into trouble. This one almost got away from me because I had about a week to solve it and began to think the unthinkable; maybe this one really was unsolvable. It involved a murder, drugs, an ex-wife, an antique car collection, and the FBI. More was going on than met the eye. I found that out the hard way.

Music from the Soul: When the Love is Gone by Melissa Burnett

Music from the Soul: When the Love is Gone

Written by: Melissa Burnett

Available In: eBook

Author Website:

Angela “Angie” Phelps-Frank grew up in a dysfunctional home where her only means of coping was through music and her father’s love. Their bond stirs bitterness and jealousy in her mother, creating a life-long wedge between them. When her father is murdered, Angie is bereft. She becomes angry, afraid, confrontational, and always ready for a good fight. She’s also always ready for a good man.

My Dad Was so Mean: A Memoir of One of the World's Oldest Baby Boomers by Elizabeth Streb Parks

My Dad Was so Mean: A Memoir of One of the World's Oldest Baby Boomers

Written by: Elizabeth Streb Parks

Available In: Hardcover

Author Website:

My Dad Was So Mean is the true story of one girl's experiences growing up with five feisty brothers (four older) in Buffalo, New York, during the early 1950's. Curious, adventurous kids, they drive their father nearly crazy, until the day the girl makes a momentous, family-changing discovery.

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