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Laboring Well, A labor nurse shares insights from 10,000 births  by Elizabeth Allen

Laboring Well, A labor nurse shares insights from 10,000 births

Written by: Elizabeth Allen

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.laboringwell.com/

o one understands the joys and challenges that women face during labor like the nurses who care for them. Elizabeth Allen shares stories and insights from over 20 years of caring for women during the journey of birth. She offers a unique, insider’s perspective, answering questions like: • How can I prepare for labor? • Am I a good candidate for natural labor? • Is out-of-hospital birth right for me?

Landing Eagle: Inside the Cockpit During the First Moon Landing by Michael Engle

Landing Eagle: Inside the Cockpit During the First Moon Landing

Written by: Michael Engle

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Engle/e/B07Q6ZDWKK?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000

Fifty years ago, in a small, fragile spacecraft designed for only one purpose—landing on the Moon—two American astronauts prepared to fly that spacecraft from its 10 mile high orbit above the Moon down to a landing on the Sea of Tranquility. It was a sea in name only. It was actually a bone dry, ancient dusty basin pockmarked with craters and littered with rocks and boulders. Somewhere in that 500 mile diameter basin, the astronauts would attempt to make Mankind’s first landing on the Moon.Neil Armstrong would pilot the Lunar Module “Eagle” during its twelve minute descent from orbit down to a landing. Col. Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin would assist him. On the way down they would encounter a host of problems, any one of which could have potentially caused them to have to call off the landing, or, even worse, die making the attempt. The problems were all technical-communications problems, computer problems, guidance problems, sensor problems. Armstrong and Aldrin faced the very real risk of dying by the very same technical sword that they had to live by in order to accomplish the enormous task of landing on the Moon for the first time.Yet the human skills Armstrong and Aldrin employed would be more than equal to the task. Armstrong’s formidable skills as an aviator, honed from the time he was a young boy, would serve him well as he piloted Eagle down amidst a continuing series of systems problems that might have fatally distracted a lesser aviator. Armstrong’s brilliant piloting was complemented by Aldrin’s equally remarkable discipline and calmness as he stoically provided a running commentary on altitude and descent rate while handling systems problems that threatened the landing. Finally, after a harrowing twelve and a half minutes, Armstrong gently landed Eagle at “Tranquility Base”, a name he had personally chosen to denote the location of the first Moon landing.In “Landing Eagle-Inside the Cockpit During the First Moon Landing”, author Mike Engle gives a minute by minute account of the events that occurred throughout Eagle’s descent and landing on the Moon. Engle, a retired NASA engineer and Mission Control flight controller, uses NASA audio files of actual voice recordings made inside Eagle’s cockpit during landing to give the reader an “inside the cockpit” perspective on the first Moon landing. Engle’s transcripts of these recordings, along with background material on the history and technical details behind the enormous effort to accomplish the first Moon landing, give a new and fascinating insight into the events that occurred on that remarkable day fifty years ago.

LAYERS by Sigal Ehrlich


Written by: Sigal Ehrlich

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.sigalehrlich.com/

When Hayley makes a resolution to declare her loose lifestyle era R.I.P, it’s all good in theory. That is until she meets Daniel Stark, a well-respected, mid-thirties business man. Opinionated, sharp tongued Hayley steps into his office leaving Daniel resolved to put Hayley in her place and have her in his bed. In a unanimously agreed upon verdict by Hayley and her two best friends, Daniel Stark is to be Hayley’s loose era closure. Will it indeed be a closure?

Le Caméléon-Renaissance by Steven Long Mitchell  & Craig W Van Sickle

Le Caméléon-Renaissance

Written by: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W Van Sickle

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: www.ThePretenderLives.com

Il existe des êtres doués d’une intelligence supra-normale, des génies qui possèdent entre autres la faculté d’assumer n’importe quelle identité. En 1983, les chercheurs d’une entreprise appelée “Le Centre” ont mis en isolement un de ces êtres, un jeune garçon nommé Jarod et exploitèrent son génie pour des recherches secrètes. Mais un jour le Caméléon leur échappa…

Ecrit par les créateurs de la série culte “Le Caméléon”, Renaissance est un thriller mystérieux qui raconte l’histoire d’un brillant caméléon humain nommé Jarod qui après s’être échappé du Centre, une compagnie à la réputation douteuse, goûte aux joies de sa liberté retrouvée. Alors qu’il découvre les plaisirs simples de la vie quotidienne avec l’innocence de l’homme/enfant qu’il est, Jarod utilise ses capacités extraordinaires pour devenir littéralement qui il veut être (un chirurgien, un pilote, un physicien…) ainsi que son esprit éblouissant dépassant toutes forces physiques pour punir les puissants et corrompus et protéger les plus faibles. Pendant ce temps il doit s’assurer de toujours garder une longueur d’avance sur ses poursuivants du Centre. Avant tout, il y a la très séduisante, énigmatique et complexe, Miss Parker, qui veut le capturer - vivant - de préférence. Parker est une femme délicieusement rusée que Jarod connait depuis l'enfance et avec qui, il entretient une relation unique à multiples facettes. Ensemble ils s’adonnent constamment au jeu du chat et de la souris.

Jarod, détient la clé de secrets très chers à son cœur, ce qui alimente sa volonté acharnée à le capturer. Ensuite, il y a Sydney, substitut de figure paternelle et psychologue de Jarod qui a élevé et éduqué le génie en respectant les intentions malfaisantes du Centre. Pour Jarod, Syd est à la fois un ami et un ennemi, un confident et un ravisseur, un conseiller et un traître. Mais le lien paternel des deux hommes reste fort, et vient souvent se mettre en travers des plans du Centre. Jarod a le sentiment que Sydney détient les réponses dont il a besoin - la vérité sur son passé et l'identité de ses parents à qui il a été enlevé et qu'il aspire à retrouver. Dans Renaissance, Jarod emploie plusieurs stratagèmes ingénieux pour mener à bien sa quête et sauver un garçon disparu et des centaines d'autres vies innocentes piégées entre les mains de terroristes et de sociétés multi-nationales. Renaissance est à la fois un récit passionnant au sujet des découvertes d'un homme sur le monde qui l’entoure, un complexe et haletant mystère et un intense voyage captivant – Une façon de se remémorer et de faire revivre la série culte ce qui contentera à la fois les fans fidèles de la série et les nouveaux lecteurs.

Il existe des êtres…

Legs Up!-The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide for Your Vagina by Gail S. King, MD

Legs Up!-The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide for Your Vagina

Written by: Gail S. King, MD

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.drgailking.com

Leading gynecologist Dr. Gail King presents a vivid description of the shocking breakdown that may be occurring in the muscle and tissue inside your vagina. Legs Up gives you a wealth of actions to take before it’s too late—what to watch for and definitive treatment options. Don’t wait until “OMG! Something’s hanging out!” Women of all ages—reclaim your healthy, lovely and sexy va-jay-jay.

Lemonade by Martie Zuckerman


Written by: Martie Zuckerman

Available In: Paperback

Author Website:

Lemonade! Lemonade is more than fresh squeezed lemons, sugar and water. Lemonade is maxims, proverbs, phrases, slogans, truisms, axioms, analogies, platitudes, mottos, clichés, and so very much more.

This book of Lemonade belongs on your coffee table, the corner of your desk, your nightstand or anywhere you might sit quietly and read. Copies should be lovingly placed in gift bags that you give to your “besties” for their enjoyment. It is fun, wise, insightful and perhaps recognizable.

This word wizard has taken quotes, thoughts, sayings, adages, snippets of wisdom and expanded, expounded and embellished to create quatrains that will resonate, tickle and inspire. Sage advice garnered at the knee of an elder, a one liner that reverberated at a time of longing or sorrow, a happy memory shared in verse, all are cradled between the pages of this wonderful little book.

Lethal Experiment by John Locke

Lethal Experiment

Written by: John Locke

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://www.lethalbooks.com/

What if someone offered you $100,000 with the only stipulation being that a murderer would be killed if you accept the money? Would you take it? The people who choose to take it are about to find out the ramifications of their decisions to be part of this Lethal Experiment! A sequel to Lethal People, Creed is forced to choose between his thriving contract-killer business and new love.

Lethal People by John Locke

Lethal People

Written by: John Locke

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://www.lethalbooks.com/

Donovan Creed, a former CIA assassin, is a very tough man with a weakness for very easy women. Meet him in LETHAL PEOPLE a relentlessly entertaining crime novel that's often LOL - bizarre funny! The action is fast and furious, the dialogue smart, savvy and sexy. The story is filled with quirky characters and clever surprises.

Live Life on Purpose: From Discovery to Practice by Samuel L. Jones

Live Life on Purpose: From Discovery to Practice

Written by: Samuel L. Jones

Available In: eBook|Paperback

Author Website: http://www.drsamueljones.com

Live Life on Purpose: From Discovery to Practice will help you release your secret purpose by applying these strategies to discover, define and practice your purpose in life. Don’t leave success (in life, business, and relationships) to chance! This book is a great tool to help you discover, define and live life on purpose!

Lockbox 436 (Letters from my Father) by John Graham, Sr. and Todd Doyle

Lockbox 436 (Letters from my Father)

Written by: John Graham, Sr. and Todd Doyle

Available In: eBook

Author Website:

Daniel Irving is given a key. This key opens a bank lockbox that contains 9 letters from his father, his only inheritance. These letters lay bare the wisdom & history of David Irving, a wealthy & prosperous writer. As Daniel learns of his father's childhood & The Old Man he discovers a tradition of values & principles that become his legagy.

London for Christmas & New Year 2011 by Margaret Webster

London for Christmas & New Year 2011

Written by: Margaret Webster

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://www.londonmicroguides.com/

Are you considering visiting London for Christmas or New Year? Would you like to find out about its festive activities, special events, seasonal shopping and celebrations so that you can organise your holiday? With this guidebook, planning your Christmas & New Year in London is simple and easy.

Long Gone by Thomas Bryant

Long Gone

Written by: Thomas Bryant

Available In: eBook

Author Website: http://sammypage.com/

In LONG GONE, you see through the eyes and into the criminal mind of Sammy Page, a loving husband and dedicated father,who is being torn between two worlds. His efforts to become an honest man are met with disaster when he is caught on a surveillance tape at the scene of a crime, where a husband-and-wife have been brutally murdered.

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