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George Washington (#1) was born February 22, 1732. The celebration of his birthday became Presidents Day, the third Monday of February, which became a celebration of Washington and Abraham Lincoln (#16), which morphed into a celebration of all of our presidents, which--in my opinion--should actually be a celebration of the institution of the presidency and its original intent.  No president was revered in his day and after as Washington was and is. He was an American hero, even if he never actually chopped down a cherry tree, even if his teeth were not made of wood. He epitomized the original intent of the presidency. A mediator who lives in a big white house. This is, of course, ignoring the question, should a slave holder be entitled to a day in his honor?  (As an aside, New York City was the capital during Washington's initial term and he lived on Cherry Street. He then moved to Philadelphia after Thomas Jefferson (#3) and Alexander Hamilton orchestrated a deal to reloca......

Read More of Detour: Presidents Day, Kindness Chain, American History, President x President...

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